New in TIES
Version 22.0.0
TIES Edit Checks
A new edit check implementation has been added to validate TIES data.
This provides:
- A single query to review all edit checks for, but not limited to, accounting, gas lift, contracts
- New edit checks can be added by Trilogy on demand
Performance Enhancements
- Tenant Menu loads more quickly
- Global Find loads more quickly
- Individual queries now open more quickly
Station Imbalance now records confirmed balances
Station Imbalance Process and Queries now support the recording of confirmed volumes.
This is useful when reporting on Station Imbalances, Accruals and Margin reporting.
Queued Emails addition of Book ID
Book ID has been added to the Email Queue and App. It will be written to the queue from the Payment Statement if available. This willallow for sending statements from multiple email addresses based on the Book ID.
Changes to Queries
Accounting Queries
Accounting Distribution Code/Description and Accounting Facility Code/Description have been added to the results of the following Accounting Queries to assist in General Ledger Account Mapping:
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Receivable
- Summary Journal
- Transport Accounts Payable Transactions
- Transport Accounts Receivable
- Payments
- An Accruals to Actuals – ATA Variance Query
has been added for accounting reporting. This query reports on the Accruals, Actuals,and calculated variances. Depending on how the Booked/Deals parameter is set, the query will return either Actuals from SummaryJournal(Booked) or Deals.
Station Activity
- A Show Beginning Balance parameter has been added to the Station Activity query with a default of “Yes.” When this parameter is”Yes,” the results will include rows for the Stations that are Tracked and within the parameters provided. These rows will have aTransaction Impact of “Beginning Month Balance” and a Volume Date of the Last day of the previous Month. If the Query Date and ToDate span multiple months, then there will be a record for each month within the parameter date range for each Tracked Station.
Example: When the parameters are provided as in the image below, there will be two Beginning Month Balance records for each Tracked Station where the Beginning Month Balance is not zero and the Station is on the “Acacia Natural Gas” pipeline. A record for “07/31/2022” and “08/31/2022”.
Changes to Jobs
Gas Lift Allocation
- Gas Lift Allocation – Volume now has the ability to allocate Daily volume
- When the Set Allocation Results parameter is set to “Station Volume,” the Gas Lift Allocation job will allocate Gas Lift volumes
Daily, if the Allocation Frequency of the Gas Lift Station is set to “Daily.”
- When the Set Allocation Results parameter is set to “Station Volume,” the Gas Lift Allocation job will allocate Gas Lift volumes
- A Validation has been added to the Gas Lift allocation job/task to prevent it from being run in a Gathering environment with the Set Allocation Results set to Deals. If the Set Allocation Results parameter is set to Deals and run in a Gathering environment, the process will add a Message and return out of the process with a Warnings status. The Message can be reviewed under Jobs.
Station Volume Process Interface Data
Master Meter – Distribute Measured Volumes to Child Meters
- Parent Distribution of Volume to Child Related Stations now has the option to exclude the creation and update of the Child Gas Analysis record based on the Parent Gas Analysis record. On the Related Station, under the Parent Station related to the Child Station, the Gas Relationship Type can be set to “Exclude Gas Analysis Update,” and the process will not create or update the Gas Analysis for that Child Station.
- Parent Distribution of Volume to Child Related Stations now has the option to allow distribution of volume when the Total % of the Related Child Stations does not add up to 100%. On one of the Related Stations under the Parent Station related to the Child Station,the Relationship Type can be set to “ALLOW TOTAL % <> 100,” and the process will not return a warning message stating the Total% doesn’t equal 100% and will continue on to distribute the Parent volume to the Children.
Meter Volume Allocation
The “OPERATIONAL BALANCING AGREEMENT-Net” Allocation Method has been added as a Station Allocation Method option.
The Meter Volume Allocation process will allocate the Volume of a Station set up with an Allocation Method of “OPERATIONALBALANCING AGREEMENT-Net” in the same way the “OPERATIONAL BALANCING AGREEMENT” Allocation Method is allocated. With the addition of reversing the sign of the Volume that is to be placed on the OBA Deal. The Meter Volume Allocation process allocates OBA Stations (“OPERATIONAL BALANCING AGREEMENT” & “OPERATIONAL BALANCINGAGREEMENT-Net”) by setting the Actuals equal to the Confirmed on the Deals for the Station and taking the difference between the Confirmed and Measurement and placing it on the OBA Deal.